Thursday, January 29, 2009

A day in nature eyes…

Veils of ghostly light descend down the treetops. The moon shines brightly. The black night is dotted with stars. The night’s patience is infinite. The dark and starry skies are clear of clouds. Crickets chirp merrily in the void. No lights except the moon…the fluorescent orb travels across the sky as if in slow motion. Then. Suddenly. A slight, small sliver of golden light creeps across the heavens. The dark starts melting as if a cloth was wiping away the night and all of its memories. The chirping stopped. A yellow sphere of Brightness goes above the sky. Puffy clouds cushion the heavens… then, the noise starts. A beep beep of a car fills the air, chatter breaks through the silence, the nights peace is over. Civilization takes over half the world in a blink of an eye. High noon, the sun shines peacefully in the sky people set up towels and umbrellas at the beach human activity thrives by day and halts at night. Then the great sun starts falling, as it had been doing for billions of years. A pale purple glow enlightens the sky. People take one last look at the beautiful sunset. Then go home. The moon, which had been eagerly waiting to come out for a long time rises back into the sky. Stars splatter the Above and daylight is wiped with the cloth of night. Everything quiets down. The circle starts again……

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