Thursday, February 12, 2009

The martial arts

The martial arts is a curious thing. At times it is used as an art of war. Other times it is used as a tool for peace and meditation, exercise and the bettering of oneself. It is fighting written fancily. One must be calm and determined in order to win. One must have discipline.
There are several types of martial arts including boxing, kung fu, karate, taekwondo, wrestling, muay thai, choikwondo, and street fighting. Normally when people say Martial Arts, they usually mean the Asian variety. Many people mistakenly assume that martial arts are merely a categorized and developed style of fighting, but there is much more to it. People get stronger doing Martial Arts seriously than most exercises machines. And once one masterʼs martial arts, they also must learn controlling themselves. In a way martial arts are also passive. It requires speed and agility, strength and understanding. Some world acclaimed martial artists include Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li and the list goes on.

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