Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are wasting something each day

Wasting time, energy, money, resources and life is not the smartest idea. If someone gets something, say, a tape player, but doesnʼt get a tape, then what is the point of getting the tape player? Also, in these harsh economic times, why would the company that is receiving a bailout, waste the bailout? Why would the government spend so much of its money on issues that are not needed? Why would people stand around and waste time when they know full well that their time is ticking away every nanosecond they are laying around, reading this paragraph, or in my case typing this paragraph? Fossil fuels reserves on the planet are rapidly deteriorating and we are burning it by the tons every minute. Nobody in the world seems to care about what is happening. Everything is falling apart and they are all doing what people do best, waste time.

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