Saturday, February 7, 2009

Microwaves are amazing

Microwaves are amazing. For one thing they are extremely handy when it comes to cooking stuff because of its amazing energy output that cooks things instantaneously. It can also be used to cook up aspirins and other types of drugs quicker than the usual way. But the greatest achievement done using a microwave is cooking random things in it like Gamecubes, remote controls, wiimotes, watermelons, lightbulbs, even rubik’s cubes. Just pop one of those things in, take cover, and when it stops, look inside and see what kind of devastation you’ve caused to the thing you put in. For example, ping pong balls go in and start exploding. If you put a microwave in a microwave, the microwave in the microwave breaks the host microwave. In fact there is a series of episodes on Youtube soley devoted to putting things inside microwaves and seeing what happens. So far, they’ve gone through over 7 microwaves, 3 locations and have broken several electronics, a Barbie doll, 2 furbies, a Pikachu, a baker dozen eggs, thermite, a spray paint bottle, a rubik’s cube and several bars of soap. There have been a total of 133 episodes and 5 seasons and still counting.

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